Rejected connection and other issues of pipes

Use of pipelines has grown exceptionally since its launch almost three years ago. Unfortunately, the original architectural design and the implementation of the engine has been showing now is age for a while.

To address these that we have worked actively to move from the current engine to a new data flow based engine in the a YQL uses for some time. We talked a little about this before.

Pipes has become more popular so it has number of deliberate and accidental abuse in the system (abuse = execution of large numbers of pipes complexes with frequent changing of parameters). It has resolved us many of these and they are working on others. jQuery, for example, caché-bustos in each application to ensure that those who will get through that library in search of a pipe block way more than what you owe (jQuery must really add instruction "if IE" before doing so).

We are making great strides with the new engine and we will send information to some of you in the coming weeks to start the test. Meanwhile us we are continuing to update other parts of our infrastructure and many of these issues must begin to disappear, but not remedied until the new inline engines.

If you use pipes much and would like to participate in the new engine test, send an email to questions of pipes [at]

This entry was posted on Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 6: 14 pm and is filed in developers, news.

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